Cupcakes attend ‘Sex and the City’ silver anniversary party

The Sex and the City juggernaut staged a glamorous celebration in early June for the show’s 25th anniversary. Cupcakes were invited to the party to reprise their role in modern pop culture.

“And Just Like That … It’s Been 25 Years, A Sex and the City Experience” took place in the Soho neighborhood of New York June 8-11. Upon learning Magnolia Bakery cupcakes were involved, I cleared my calendar to be there.

At the immersive exhibit, the paradigmatic pink-frosted Carrie cupcakes were positioned as a parting treat. Displayed near the exit, the cupcakes were individually boxed for convenient takeaway.

The exhibit also included the designer cupcake evening bag from the first SATC movie.

Magnolia’s Carrie cupcakes were served at a VIP Vogue party and other parts of the four-day celebration. Meanwhile in Greenwich Village, Magnolia invited fans to recreate the catalytic SATC bench scene in which the Carrie and Miranda characters noshed on cupcakes.

Beyond the official sponsors, the occasion inspired creative minds to produce items such as this full-sized cake.  

While the experience was a retrospective, fans are anticipating the June 22 premiere of the second season of And Just Like That. Season one did word play with cinnamon rolls, depicted a fictional bread bakery, and filmed a scene with blondies from the real Fat Witch Bakery. The question is, what’s for dessert in season two?