
I named 2020 the Year of Optimal Vision and Cupcakes of Gold. Amidst the turbulence, I optimized my vision and made an essential move to achieve enrichment.

Not surprisingly, I found a cupcake to symbolize the concept. This Sprinkles collaboration with Skrewball peanut butter whiskey bears the tagline “Skrew 2020, cheers 2021.” Its base of peanuts and alcohol speaks to the moment. This was a year when everything went nuts. More accurately, everything was already nuts and 2020 was when the nuttiness of systemic injustice surged to the foreground. Alcohol is a substance that alters perspective. 2020 had that effect on society. Now comes the sobering reality of rebuilding in 2021.

To quote Depressed Cake Shop, “Where there is cake there is hope, and there is always cake.”

I see hope in these two photographs. Boozy peanut cake is the cupcake of gold to channel the theme from start to finish. It represents my optimally good fortune. The Christmas tree embodies the past three years. The appearance of blue sky symbolizes my 2018 year of Cupcakes and Blue Sky. The tree’s location represents my 2019 year of Cupcakes and Formal Intention. The gold star brings me back to the 2020 theme, which journeyed from imagination to optimization in 365 days. One chapter closes and another begins.