Year of Optimal Vision and Cupcakes of Gold

Sights are clear and brilliantly focused on the richest goals for 2020. The arc of my historical inquiry will bend towards golden accomplishment.

Gold cupcakes are the symbol of 2020. It’s not a reference to material wealth so much as iconographic shorthand for richness of resources and opportunity. Through years of digging and prospecting, I must have held faith that I’d find some glistening nuggets and exchange them for a wealth of good fortune. This is my year of gold.

While I envision figurative cupcakes of gold, they actually do exist. There is or was a $1,000 gold cupcake in Dubai. And a $750 cupcake in Las Vegas.

It’s proof that the unimaginable can and does materialize. Enriched by optimal vision, 2020 will yield abundant cupcakes of gold.

The top photograph is a Georgetown Cupcake. Here are a few more sparkly, golden cupcakes that greeted the new year.