Change of perspective


So interesting to see places off the coasts … for the first time ever. Broadening one’s horizons is so inspiring. Until this year, my airplane trips were infrequent and my destination was always the other coast. I was a wide-eyed tourist in the Twin Cities and Texas Gulf Coast this month, a refreshing change of perspective.

I went to St. Paul, Minn., to hear author Jen Sincero on tour. Looking out the plane window on the way home, I thought of this Sincero quote from You are a Badass at Making Money:

“It’s like when you’re on a plane and you take off on a drizzling, dark, depressing day. You look out the window at the gray sky, the sad little houses below getting misted with rain, then you head right into the dark clouds themselves. It’s black and bumpy and scary and then – ta-da! – all of a sudden you pop out on top of it all into blue sky, fluffy clouds, and sunshine. The sunshine and fluffy clouds were there all along, you just couldn’t see them from your perspective.”

Even though my phone was in airplane mode, it recorded the location as Fennville, Mich. I wonder what’s there.